Friday, February 7, 2014

-ism Graduation Exhibition Gallery

3 years of architecture degree. If one describe it as a short 3 years, well I must admit time did flew by. However, nothing was short! 3 years felt like my whole teenage transforming to adulthood. It was a very important phase in my life. I've hurt, I've broke, I've had fun, I've learned and mos importantly I've grown.

3 years, of sleepless night, rushing for deadlines. All for this night. My graduation exhibition gallery.

If you are here to read of  nice and interesting story, I'm sorry I have none, just typing what comes to my mind.

-ism exhibition gallery held in White Box Publika, 8/1/14 - 12/1/14, I know I have behind schedule. Let me take a small moment and congratulate myself for surviving. =)

There were huge loads of picture took during the exhibition, you can check them out in my facebook page.

semester of Feb '11

Will I miss them? I don't know, but as the saying goes, to those who care for me and I care of, we will see each other again. I do wish everyone to have a great future ahead! Let's strive for the best!

late night feelings.

stepping away from reality.