Thursday, May 28, 2009

i'm putting pieces of my life right back into place. it takes time, but i'm slowly getting my life back on track.

-tomorrow volleyball competition. good luck to my school team.

me against the world.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

something to remember.
boys will always be boys

volleyball camp 2009-03-14

i should be studying right now! tomorrow i'm having biology (chinese) and history (chinese), two of my weakest subject but i don't have the mood for it. i don't want to fail so badly this time, but i think i lose the part that one to fight for these two subject.

today it's the fifth day of exam! two more days left. i finished 10 subjects and 4 more to go. in the 10 subjects i think i did quite well, except for i think sejarah, add math (chinese) & chinese. others i'm quite happy with it.

after this two days of exam, there will be another volleyball camp. the second one this year. it's to prepare us for the coming competition next friday. it's going to be so fun, because basketball, badminton & table tannes players will have the camp too. i'm strangely excited about it, maybe because of finishing exams!

volleyball. OMG! our senior team this year only has 3 senior, so this competition the other 9 player will be from junior (not the strong one). i am so not looking forward to this competition. i really don't want to lose, i really want to be proud of myself, my team. hope it turn out well.

a wound can't be heal perfectly, sometimes it will leaves scars. the more you want it to heal, the slower it will. maybe after time pass, everything will be like the past.

have you ever felt like you are important in that someone's life, but he or she never mention it to you and after time passes,you start doubting yourself about are you really that important in the person life?

i will enjoy every moment i have.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

sorry for the late update, it's not that i lose my blogging interest but it's because my new house don't have internet access till recently only. finally! there will be more actual updates. though there will be no photo in a while, because of technical problems (yes, lots of them). bare with it and enjoy my black & white post. :)

i think i'm much better than hannah montana! why? because i live a triple life. my studies, bowling and volleyball. it's a never ending battle between which come first. even though studies are my priority, but the other two really keep me very busy. i really need to slow down, take a step back to breath. now i feel like i'm drowning.

because of this, my homework! lots of them undone and my so-caring-yet-so-annoying-teacher want me to stay back at school to finish my homeworks. i spend more than half of my day at school and you still want me to be in school a few more hours? what the purpose of this? just give me some freaking time to finish it, don't need to force to stay back! f***! you even phone my parents for this, **** *** *****. i really think you are not helping at all.

i'm just very tired from life. i did not get back what i work hard for. my life isn't at it's high point right now. gimme a break, let me catch my breath! i really need it. exam is coming in a week. shit! i hope for the best. i'm really trying to concentrate on studies. i need to rest from reality just a while. please.

i walked alone.