Monday, June 13, 2011

finally internet access!
right now, i'm in UTM (university technology malaysia)
participating in an architecture workshop : terang.

some architecture design are so freaking cool,
and this is only a small part of it.

other than that, it suck.
or maybe our approach is different. =(
whatever it is, i will try to enjoy it.
it's an opportunity right?

see how torturing we are sleeping there.

and the food, this is what i bought,
imagine what was free.

don't get me started on the room.

it's so tiring to constantly care about an individual,
you remember the time you are willing to do anything,
give the world to that individual,
knowing at the end,
you will get hurt?
but you still do it. <3

we may only have tonight.

stepping away from reality.

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