Sunday, September 21, 2008

#i combine all 3 post to one...

We met 10 years ago, in the field where I've been going forlonger than I can remember. It was Mooncake festival, back in those days when we were kids, the will be adults taking all the children holding a lantern and walking around the field. Well, 10 years ago, we walked around the feild with our lantern, but that's not how we met. After holding the lanterns, I didn't know what to do, so my grandmother insist me on playing candles with Ee Von, Ee Leng and An De. We met then, we play candles all night. How did we played it? Well, we will light up the number of candles according to our age, make a wish and blow it. Wishing for friends forever, happy... One of the more memorable has been made.My grandmother house is behind of their house, so is really near only. I will also go to my uncles room and shout out the window, "EE VON!" Then they will come out and we will chat, or we just go to the backlane to play. Or morning at 7am go to the field to play.
I can't we've met ten years already. I remember we talked about the future. Well, it has already pass ten years.

The games we play~
It was childish, but we enjoyed it. I will always remember the game we played. We will meet in the backlane at 7am and I was always the one who can't wake up. :P Then we will go to the field to play. We will play follow the leader, climbing the slide. Climbing the slide was so fun, the slide will be slippery if the night before rained, so we will climb it, but sometimes we slip and fall and get ourselves wet. LOL... It was fun, really fun. Then we will play every single game you can think of in the field. About 9am, we will be right back at the backlane, playing Sadina (it's kind of like Monopoly), play with a long wood. I remember the wood, we will draw lines on it and write things in the middle of the line. Ee Von and Ee Leng will always be in the spaces that wrote ICE SKATING while I will be in the middle of ICE SKATING and LONGKANG and An De will be in the LONGKANG space. LOL... We will play everything. Then till 12pm, I will bath and later we continued playing.I remember we walked to Ivan's house (my cousin) and saw that bone, well we thinked it is. Then we ran back to our house, LOL... We also played scooter there, played on their neighbour cement ground (cause ours weren't cement ground), then one of the houses aunty will call us to be softer.
We also play in their house, we played PS1, the VIP game, Harvest Moon game. Me telling Ee Von about Santa Clause and how i recieve presents from Santa Clause. Well, actually I believe in it, so Ee Von tried to write a note to Santa, but I think it failed...LOL...
Ee Von's birthday party. LOL... Would never forget too... There also one party that was in her house and a bunch of friends started playing truth or dare. It went insane. Then Ee Von asked me to point out who I love most, I pointed Wei Shin with my eyes closed. LOL... I hardly know any of their friends so it was hard to give an answer in one night, well if it turn back time, I will point... LOL... My sister, Lauren birthday, we went to a western restoran for dinner. I remember that. :D

Nature Club~
It was a club created by us. Members are me, ee von, ee leng, lauren, ivan and an de. We went to make a member card using their computer, well, I'm not sure where I left it. We will go to the field and pick up all the rubbish that's in the field. It was hard work, it was fun. People pass by will compliment us. We were so childish, but we had fun, we did something hardly any primary student will do. :)

Prom Night 2006~
The first and only prom night I've been to, went there with Ee Von, Ee Leng and Kelly... Very very very fun... Eventhough it cost RM 100++ (i think), but i was worth it. The food there wasn't that great, but it was fun there. First I went to Ee Von's aunty house to wait for Ee Von and Ee Leng to dress up, I think I waited for about an hour..LOL.. Then we went to Mandrin Oriental Hotel for the prom, it was held in the ballroom. I love the part where all the nomination started. The only part is that I don't know anyone there..:P So about 10o'clock while they are announcing the result, we (me, eevon, eeleng, kelly and some other friends went to startbuks for coffee) LOL... It was fun! After the prom night, we walked around the Mandrin Oriental Hotel to take photographs, chat and so much more.. Damn fun!

Camping Outdoor~
My grandmother house there, there will be some adult will organise all this camping a few time per year, I went for it once (I think), but I had fun... Ee Von and Ee Leng were there too. At night, there were games organise for us kids and teenagers, by that time we've already consider us as teengers...LOL... I remembered Amanda told me who she had a crush on, haha... Then we played lts of things, can't really remember all f it, but i remember every kid or teenagers slept very late... fun~ fun~ fun~ I remembered Pajero's camp, they wanted to sleep, but lots of people didn't give them to sleep...LOL.. His camp was next to us, Ivan (my cousin) kept calling him Pajero so he kept throwing his shoes towards our camp. LOL... The next morning, we walked up the mountain, it was really fun~ There was this river that alot of people played water there..

Well, I think there are still much more fun times that I spend with my BEST FRIENDS, Ee Von & Ee Leng...
I dedicate this song to all my friends out there. Friends Forever by Vitamin C.

friends forever.

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